love left as easily as it came, darkness fell and we had no one left to blame/2011/73 x 38.5 Inches/mixed media

You take my breath away/2012/Mixed Media/86x86 Inches

You take my breath away/2012/Mixed Media/86x86 Inches

You take my breath away/2012/Mixed Media/86x86 Inches

We fit together like fingers making a fist/ mixed media/24x15 ½x3 inches/2013

We fit together like fingers making a fist/ mixed media/24x15 ½x3 inches/2013

Those silent and snowy days, I watched it all melt and melt away/76x64 inches/2010/mixed media

Vatane man, deene man (my country, my religion)/2010/40x22 Inches/mixed media

leyli jan (dear leyli)/54x28 inches/2010/mixed media

Solace/mixed-media/ 64x39 cm/2013

Solace/mixed-media/ 64x39 cm/2013

Irreversible violence/2012/mixed media/41x52 Inches

I want to shelter you/29x18 inches/mixed media/2013

underneath my skin you go, there like blood you flow/2010/40x25 inches/ mixed media

The scar of your kiss/2011/ 70x41.5 inches /mixed media

Wandering from one strange place to another, anxious prostitutes and sleepless nights/2011 73.5x38 Inches/mixed media

The beauty of a moment condemned and crucified for making a crack in the wall/2010/75x44 Inches/mixed media

Restless violence/ 2011 24x15 Inches/mixed media

Restless violence/ 2011 24x15 Inches/mixed media

The sun grew cold, our lands soaked in blood,donkeys became gods,prostitutes nuns/84x58 inches/2010

Take me home/mixed media/35 ½ x 64 ½ inches/2013

we are his people and the sheep of his pasture/36x24 Inches/ 2010/ mixed media

From a distance you glistened and shown/mixed media/24x15 3/8/2013

From a distance you glistened and shown/mixed media/24x15 3/8/2013

Tell the sky to give me a dagger made of stars/2010/ 47x22 inches/mixed media

Runaway American Dream/2010/47x24 Inches/inches/mixed media

I am Loyal/2010/ 47x24 Inches/mixed media

God Bless america land that i love/ 2010/ 39x22 Inches/mixed media

I left to remain incomplete/26x16 inches/2010/mixed media

moments of stillness/mixed media/25.5x15 Inches/2014

moments of stillness/mixed media/25.5x15 Inches/2014

you have broken my heart love, tie me up with chains so that i may never feel a new chain again/ 44x24 Inches/2010

I waited for you, even in the darkes of days/41x24 Inches/2009

Over come me sweet oblivion, I am ashamed, Humbled and unstable/ 2011/ 90x22 inches/mixed media

Over come me sweet oblivion, I am ashamed, Humbled and unstable/ 2011/90x22 inches/mixed media

Over come me sweet oblivion, I am ashamed, Humbled and unstable/ 2011/90x22 inches/mixed media

I dont want to go to heaven, i have settled for hell/ 47x95 Inches/2010 mixed media

echos of muffled gunshots/2012/52x17 inches mixed media

echos of muffled gunshots/2012/52x17 inches mixed media

Har jaye keh mikhan maro mibaran ( they take us where ever they want us to go)/ 41x28 inches/2010/mixed media

I love you so much it breaks my heart /42x28 inches/ 2010 /mixed media

Everything around me has turned to ash/mixed media/45x23 Inches/2012

My silent lips remain in this captivity in order to kindel the flames of your anxieties/2010/ 75x40.5 Inches/mixed media

Freedom finally arrived/ but it arrived in chains/ 2010/76x39 inches/mixed media

Contentment is happiness/2012/Mixed Media/64x50 Inches

comfortably numb/ 2011/38x24 inches/mixed media

A stranger in our home, I am close to the beginning again/2010/75x38 Inches/mixed media

An Armful of freedom, A fistful of lies/2011/ 84x58 inches/mixed media

all is hidden within me, and i open my mouth, but not a word/2010 /44x61Inches/ textiles